Freedom Rings with Marsha Blackburn
Join Senator Marsha Blackburn as she breaks down important issues facing Americans today and reveals what freedom means to some of America's top leaders. On "Freedom Rings," you will get a behind the scenes look at how the country's leading freedom fighters got where they are today.
Freedom Rings with Marsha Blackburn
Episode 138: Tiffany Smiley
Marsha Blackburn
Tiffany Smiley is the picture of American resilience and persistence. Her life has been continually marked by dedicated service as a nurse, wife, mother and passionate advocate for veterans. After her husband, Scotty, was left permanently blinded by a suicide bomb while serving our nation in Iraq, Tiffany stepped up and fought back against government bureaucracy and won. After years of advocating for America’s military members and veterans, Tiffany is now running to be Washington State’s next United States Senator. Tiffany is a true happy warrior freedom fighter who will help get our country back on track. Tune in to this week’s episode of Freedom Rings with Senator Blackburn to learn more.